Documentary feature film that follows the personal stories of families struggling in the aftermath of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Filmed over the course of one winter in one American city, the film presents an intimate snapshot of the state of the nation's economy as it is playing out in millions of American families, and highlights the human consequences of the decline of the middle class and the fracturing of the American Dream
Stand-up comedian Robert Newman gets to grips with the wars and politics of the last hundred years, ...
Shot over three years, Pariah Dog paints a kaleidoscopic picture of the city of Kolkata, seen throug...
Shot over the course of 18 months in New York City's Lower East Side, METHADONIA sheds light on the ...
As the documentary “Tax Me If You Can” explored, the tax shelter became one of corporate America’s b...
Once heralded as the spirit of American manufacturing, music, and democracy, Detroit kicked its fisc...
As police and DEA agents battle sophisticated cartels, rural, economically-disadvantaged users and d...
Through the eyes of a young drifter who rejects society's rules and intentionally chooses to live on...
In this fascinating program, learn about one of the most feared and respected members of the animal ...
J and Jacky are good friends who attend the same school. J is from a single-parent family, and will ...
“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routin...
UNCOUNTED exposes how the election fraud that altered the outcome of the 2004 election led to even g...
He was one of Germany's leading investment experts with an income of several million Euros per day. ...
An exploration —manipulated and staged— of life in Las Hurdes, in the province of Cáceres, in Extrem...
Megacities is a documentary about the slums of five different metropolitan cities.
This feature documentary reveals how Bank of Montreal chairman William Mulholland dealt with his deb...
A documentary about the corrupt health care system in The United States who's main goal is to make p...
These are the future leaders of their communities. Ever wonder what it’s like to walk a day in their...
In the 1950s, Seattle had plans to build one of the densest networks of freeways in the world. It wo...
A film about the cross coalition of communities that stopped a planned network of freeways from bein...