Documentary film produced by American Documentary Films and the Black Panther Party from 1968, honoring Huey P. Newton's struggle for African American civil rights, advocating for his release from jail and addressing issues of racism in American society. Features scenes from the funeral of Bobby Hutton and the Huey P. Newton Birthday Rally in the Oakland Auditorium on February 17th 1968, with speeches by: Bobby Seale (who explains the Black Panther Party's 10 Point Program in detail); Ron Dellums; James Foreman; Charles R. Garry; Eldridge Cleaver; Bob Avakian; H. Rap Brown and Stokely Carmichael. Also includes views of police officers showing the weapons and armor they carry in patrol cars and of African Americans discussing racism in American society. This film was scripted and directed by Sally Pugh.
A film about one of the most iconic images of the 20th century, the moment when the radical spirit o...
Festival panafricain d'Alger is a documentary by William Klein of the music and dance festival held ...
A compelling document of the Black Panther Party leadership in 1967. This film contains a prison int...
Archival footage, animation and music are used to look back at the eight anti-war protesters who wer...
The story of how the radical Huey P. Newton developed the Black Panther Party based on his 10-point ...
Chicago 1969: Activists from the Black Panthers, Young Lords, and Young Patriots united African Amer...
Fred Hampton was the leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party. This film depicts hi...
A quiet scene in the snow, a black child in an anorak runs mumbling towards the camera. The pictures...
Hear the inside story of Huey Newton and the Black Panthers with this documentary that examines thei...
William Francome is a fairly typical, white middle-class guy. Typical except for the fact that he is...
Rob Williams was an African-American living in Monroe, North Carolina in the 1950s and 1960s. Living...
Examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in US society from 1967 to 1975. It features foot...
The story of the Black Panthers is often told in a scatter of repackaged parts, often depicting trag...
"Eyes of the Rainbow" deals with the life of Assata Shakur, the Black Panther and Black Liberation A...
The story of how Dr. Mutulu Shakur, stepfather of Tupac Shakur, along with the Black Panthers and th...
Down the road from Woodstock in the early 1970s, a revolution blossomed in a ramshackle summer camp ...
Filmmaker Dan Murdoch meets America's most infamous supremacist group - the Ku Klux Klan - who say t...
Documentary covering the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a black nationalist and journalist in Philadelphia...
A film documenting the life of Richard Aoki, a Japanese-American activist and founding member of the...
The film chronicles the life and revolutionary times of death row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal...