The story follows Arion, a young man kidnapped by Hades as a child and raised to believe that his mo...
After defeating Frieza, Goku returns to Earth and goes on a camping trip with Gohan and Krillin. Eve...
Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent ye...
Welcome to the Hokkyoku Department Store! This unusual shop caters exclusively to animals, furry and...
A peace treaty between the Earth and the Black World, a parallel universe of demons, is coming to an...
The first movie in a trilogy, focusing on the battle against the Takahashi brothers. High school stu...
Once brilliant teenage detective Shinichi Kudo was given a poison that reverted him to a 4-year-old....
Mikiya Kokutou gives Shiki Ryougi a cat to watch, as he will be away for a little while. Though Shik...
When the kingdom of Cephiro invades Earth, three girls (Hikaru, Umi and Fuu) are chosen to awake myt...
Researchers unearth a long-lost page of "The Travels of Marco Polo" and discover it's a clue to a lo...
It starts with a kid named Dai remembering a story told to him by his grandfather, the monster magic...
It's summer vacation! In front of Ginga and Co, who are excited about a Beyblade tournament, Helios,...
In the year 2029, the barriers of our world have been broken down by the net and by cybernetics, but...
Seigaku travels to England to play a tournament representing Japan but they are attacked by a group ...
"That's a hassle." That was second-year high schooler Nagi Seishirou's favorite phrase as he lived h...
A girl named Olga is pursued by both the World Government and a man named Mad Treasure, as she is th...
It's been three months since the Sacred Sword War ended, & Kojiro and Ryoma are nowhere to be found....
The second movie is about the return match between the All-Europe and All-Japan Junior teams, this t...
Car racing anime, based on the manga by Kaoru Shintani that serialised in Big Comic Superior from 19...
Set in the futuristic Metro City, Astro Boy (Atom) is a young robot with incredible powers created b...