Karayuki-san, the Making of a Prostitute is a 1975 Japanese film by director Shohei Imamura. It is a documentary on one of the Japanese "karayuki-san," who were women that were taken from their homes in Japan and used as prostitutes in the post-war period. Many of these women were told that they were doing this to support their families because of the extreme poverty that the war left much of Japan to live in. Imamura focuses on a particular such woman who was sent to Malaysia and never returned to Japan. Joan Mellen, in The Waves at Genji's Door, called this film, "Perhaps the most brilliant and feeling of Imamura's fine documentaries."
21st century legal prostitution through the frank stories of Amsterdam red-light district sex worker...
Megacities is a documentary about the slums of five different metropolitan cities.
Julia is a young transgender woman who left her home country of Lithuania. Now living in Germany, sh...
James Wong and his female assistant visited various kinds of pleasure-houses, including invisible de...
Travis—a sex-addicted, multi-lingual Scientologist—travels across Thailand sharing stories and enter...
The Borneo Case is a unique story filmed over 25 years and tells the epic tale of how the rainforest...
From the open air theater in the Bois de Boulogne the sex workers Heden, Claudia and Samantha, tell ...
1961 documentary about the history and seedy reality of the sex industry in London's Soho.
In the summer of 1920, Shanghai was scandalized by a sensational murder, a high-profile case and sub...
An intriguing exploration of the Asian massage parlor industry in Providence, RI, where a 25 year-ol...
Documentary depicting the lives of child prostitutes in the red light district of Songachi, Calcutta...
Prostitutes of old age make their living in Praça da Luz, in São Paulo. Unusual and surprising accou...
During the last half-century, Cambodia has witnessed genocide, decades of war and the collapse of so...
Documentary on the daily life of a sexual masseuse in Berlin.
A documentary about the girls of the Mustang Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada.
A series of lawsuits and allegations have legendary rap mogul P. Diddy on the ropes. TMZ has the tro...
British filmmaker Beeban Kidron ventures onto the mean streets of the South Bronx and other New York...
Dragan Wende has lived in Berlin since the '70s and has seen the city change through the years. His ...
A documentary crew from the BBC arrives in L.A. intent on interviewing Heidi Fleiss, a year after he...