It has been a month Chang's wife Ling Yue has been missing. With no reasons one fine day she went to work as usual and then never returns. No one knows where she went or what had happened to her. Chang could not figure out why she disappears out of the sudden. She left no message of whatever kind or clues. One day a man named Tong shows up and claims to be Ling Yues lover. Apparently Tong is looking for Ling Yue too. In a turn of event both men formed an uneasy alliance in order to find Ling Yue
Xuan is a young man working in the film industry in Beijing. To make a documentary film that he want...
The father tells his daughter Nunu a lie that there is a cow in her milk cup. She believes it and dr...
Gentle, easy-going Or Kia moves from the countryside to Kuala Lumpur to work for his cousin and best...
The film is about a woman from a rural area and works in a small restaurant as a cleaner with very l...
A young girl Pui and her father live together leaning on each other for support, but they still feel...
Due to his history of theft in the past, Lin Kuan is falsely accused of stealing from his high schoo...
Four college students from Shandong University of Technology planned to make a documentary about the...
Working as a secretary for a legal office, Xiaofen records clients detailing the sordid aspects of t...
Poet Wolf (Lang) chose to starve himself to death, in a beautiful flower blossoming Spring. This is ...
Burial Rites become the mise-en scene in which politicians, the media, a monk and an infuriated neig...
Three scenes about three couples with each portraying maybe the turning point of their relationship....
A policeman investigates an introverted signal-station manager suspected of raping a hotel clerk.
The movie follows two unfortunate secret lovers who are constantly looking for a solution to their s...
"Beer! Beer!" is an "anti-romantic comedy" set in the early morning following a wild party in Berlin...
Coming back to her broken family, pregnant writer Huang Xiaoyu and her French husband, Benjamin, fin...
Set in a quasi-ghost town that once thrived with oil in China's arid northwest, Yumen is a haunting,...
A 17 year old boy from a village in the Sechuan province leaves for the big city looking for his fat...
Xiao-Li is a devoted housewife and an active member of her local Catholic church in the farmlands of...
If It’s Not Now, Then When? mostly takes place in an apartment inhabited by three members of a famil...
Two men -- one elderly, one in his twenties -- are touched by tragedies linked to a single source in...