Saeko and Yukako live together in a small apartment complex in Tokyo. After the Tohoku earthquake in 2011, both live in a state of unease. Saeko, who is in a divorce, is worried that her daughter is exposed to radiation. Yukako is also afraid of radiation and tries to convince her husband to move. The two become friends after Yukako tries to save Saeko after a suicide attempt.
Brett and Jake meet in a bar and decide to drown their sorrows in whiskey, forgetting the past, igno...
Kicked out of their home and disowned by their parents for who they are, a young college student, Ev...
Struggling to find his place at Oxford University, student Oliver Quick finds himself drawn into the...
Bradley is a loner. After numerous, failed, suicidal attempts, he hires a Hit Man on the Internet. C...
After a terrible air disaster, survivor Max Klein emerges a changed person. Unable to connect to his...
When Kendra is admitted into group therapy, she becomes overly competitive about completing her week...
A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads...
An unhinged office worker who planned to go on a shooting spree at his workplace struggles with his ...
DURING THE FINAL YEARS OF CANNABIS PROHIBITION: Troubled college student Chance returns home to his...
Can Apollo speak? An opportunity to make friends arise after receiving his first invite to a party.
Two best friends are trapped in their home by Martial Law while the world around them falls apart.
An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and...
A hedonistic bachelor - he is his rich family's black sheep - falls for a suicidal mental patient.
Aging King George III of England is exhibiting signs of madness, a problem little understood in 1788...
A visual album. A story of falling apart and putting yourself back together again as the world does ...
Eighteen-year-old Alex is in the throes of his transition. When his best friend abandons a joint ven...
We follow a young woman named Evie as she struggles to help her sister Tris with an ever-worsening c...