Based on the classic Chinese play Romance of the Western Chamber, Way Down West follows the love story between a poor scholar and wealthy woman. Unable to marry due to their social status, this changes when a bandit attacks the monastery they are staying at demanding the woman's hand. Desperate, her mother promises her hand to whomever manages to defeat the bandit.
A biographical film featuring the presidency and assassination of Abraham Lincoln during the America...
Virginia Carter accedes to her family's pressures and marries Jordan Southwick, who comes from a wea...
A lottery win of $5,000 forever changes the lives of a miner turned dentist and his wife.
When a wealthy hypochondriac is dissatisfied by the care of the town doctor (Doc Arnold), he consult...
A Hollywood biographical film about a survivor's experience of the Armenian Genocide. Arshaluys (Aur...
A press sheet printed in Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World in 1928 put forth the suggestion...
A movie star helps a young singer-actress find fame, even as age and alcoholism send his own career ...
An adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina is having an extramarital affair that cause...
Paris, France, 1784. After living many tribulations, Joseph Balsamo, known as Count Cagliostro, an i...
The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven wit...
A flirtatious young woman takes a job in a busy office, where her presence is terribly disruptive. N...
In this partially lost silent film, a man working as a motion picture extra in Hollywood westerns im...
Herbert Pomeroy's wife Juanita spends his money extravagantly and irresponsibly, finally driving him...
Historically significant as Universal's first 100% all-talkie, the production suffered from having a...
Lorenz Ferleitner has worked his way up from a poor but gifted farm boy to a recognized master build...
The daughter of a disowned upper class Bostonian finds acceptance in Parisian society.
A tomboy, raised by a father who wanted a son, runs away from boarding school and gets a job at a fi...
Lovely Mary, an orphan girl, reluctantly takes charge of her sister's child when her sister Kate is ...