It follows two teenage rappers in Bangkok who use their musical talent to navigate their difficult c...
A German Documentary about the “village of friendship” that was created by American Veteran George M...
A year in the life of one of America's most innovative classrooms where students design & build ...
This independant documentary linking poetry, artistic testimonies and performances offers a positive...
Sing! is a 2001 American short documentary film about the Los Angeles Children's Chorus, directed by...
A collective work created by students of Bachillerato Popular Mocha Celis in Buenos Aires, the first...
RHYTHM IS IT! records the first big educational project of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under S...
How do you find your place in an ableist world as a person with a disability? Disabled Hugo Schmidt ...
Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) tours the Middle East to discuss the war on terror with Arabic peopl...
A documentary about young people just starting their higher education and their professional life.
Tippi is no ordinary child. She believes that she has the gift of talking to animals and that they a...
Six blind Tibetan teenagers climb the Lhakpa-Ri peak of Mount Everest, led by seven-summit blind mou...
Disenfranchised high school seniors become academic warriors and community leaders in Tucson, Arizon...
A short documentary around a kindergarten teacher at Kuncup Harapan, Yogyakarta.
The painful personal stories of five Palestinian kids, ages 7-17, open a window into the world of Pa...
What has four legs, five arms and three heads? The Gimp Monkeys. Craig DeMartino lost his leg after ...