In this one-off documentary, Space Dive tells the behind-the-scenes story of Felix Baumgartner's historic, record-breaking freefall from the edge of space to Earth. The world watched with bated breath when Felix became the first person to freefall through the sound barrier on 15 October 2012, after jumping from 128,100ft (24 miles) from the edge of space.
In search for exceptional pictures, the Soul Flyers invite you into some fantastic landscapes. From...
Matchstick's 2007 release, "SEVEN SUNNY DAYS", features incredible action from all over the world. S...
Mini Cattle Dog, Whisper, rides on the back of Dean Potter as they wingsuit fly at 120 mph, while th...
In 1965, a truck driver and exotic pet dealer from New Jersey decided that he could join an elite gr...
The movie chronicles the history of man’s ancient desire of bird-like flight and explains the how an...
Exploring the sports psychology and mental training that helped Felix Baumgartner to jump from the E...
A document of the director's journey through her father's archive. He was an amateur skydiver.
The Ride the Planets team continues its hunt for the most beautiful sites in the world and takes us ...
The Soul Flyers Team is composed of four friends, who deal with challenging situations with a natura...
In 2004, the French Soulflyer team of Loic Jean-Albert, Val Montant and Pierre Desmet aimed to fly o...
In Los Angeles, a gang of bank robbers who call themselves The Ex-Presidents commit their crimes whi...
A daring prison break from an airliner at 30,000 feet leaves U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip mourning a bro...
A young undercover FBI agent infiltrates a gang of thieves who share a common interest in extreme sp...
The successful undercover agent Victor Cooper is assigned for his ninth mission: to find how the loa...
The Red Bull Air Force is a team assembled from the most accomplished and experienced aviation exper...
A woman seeks revenge on her former lover, who owns a skydiving business.
In 1971, five college buddies from the University of Texas embark on a final road trip odyssey acros...
Three friends meet one summer at a skydiving center. Adventurous, they spend most of their time jump...