An animated feature-length documentary telling the story of the life of Crulic, a 33 year-old Romanian accused of having stolen a wallet from an important Polish judge. Crulic was brought to the Krakow Detention Center Custody prison. He decided to start a hunger strike from the day he was arrested, demanding a meeting with somebody from the Romanian Consulate.
A collection of moments and triumphs that helped Selena, and her band Selena y Los Dinos, into super...
‘Podwórka’ captures six groups of neighbourhood youth as they play in seemingly deserted yards, offe...
Documentary about red-bereted Jimmy Mirikitani, a feisty painter working and living on the street, n...
Documentary about Marilyn Monroe: 1962: America loses its blonde icon. Marilyn Monroe dies under mys...
Surpassed only by the Bible and Shakespeare, Agatha Christie is the most successful writer of all ti...
Director Maureen Blackwood harnesses the distinctive style of the Sankofa Film Collective to sketch ...
Teatro Amazonas is an elaborate, intriguing formalist experiment investigating the cinematic gaze an...
A magic realist fable about invisible elves, financial collapse and the surprising power of belief, ...
Virgie's family feeds on the fishes that lurk under the industrial ships of North Harbor. Their alte...
Dramatic, moving and deeply human, ARMSTRONG offers the definitive life story of Neil Armstrong: fro...
"My Own Breathing" is the final documentary of the trilogy, The Murmuring about comfort women during...
At the sea shore, a goat, a child, and a naked man. This is a photograph taken in 1954 by Agnès Vard...
There are places that we don’t want to know anything about, places that we would rather pretend don’...
The film is a commemoration of the lost livelihood of the earth, the lost lives of the War and to th...
China's top drama academy stages the American musical "Fame," China's first official collaboration w...
In the 1980s and 1990s a wave of murders bloodied the idyllic coastline of Sydney’s eastern suburbs....
A prescient portrait of late-1970s Washington, D.C., that chronicles the city's creeping gentrificat...
The story of Queen Elizabeth II from those who know her best.