Louis-José Houde presents Le show caché 2, the second version of a unique show concept where the com...
They try everything in order to rekindle the flame and to spice up their love life. They really try ...
With his off-kilter sense of humor, polyglot Gaspard Proust takes a mischievous delight in undermini...
Miss Shangela herself starring in this hilarious, must see comedy Stand-Up special. Originally film...
Dieudonné returns over his 10 years of solo career... In an original direction(fabrication), he rev...
Louis-José takes a stand: yes, he admits, he describes himself as slow, going against the grain of h...
I regularly wonder if the child that I was would be proud of the adult that I have become. If he wou...
After an acclaimed, extended run on Broadway, comedian Alex Edelman brings his solo show to HBO in a...