In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), a young Dutch couple find their idyllic countryside being overrun by unfeeling, unthinking mechanical men and machines that lay waste to everything in their path. In 1997 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
In a desolate future, one small town has survived because of a large windmill dam that acts as a fan...
The lives of Erik Lanshof and five of his closest friends take different paths when the German army ...
In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, a Jewish singer infiltrates the regional Gesta...
The story of a group of men, an Army Rifle company called C-for-Charlie, who change, suffer, and ult...
A woman fell in love with a Japanese soldier, during the Japanese Occupation in the Philippines. The...
In this entertaining Puppetoon animated short film, a young boy, Jasper, gets trapped inside a pawns...
In this Puppetoon animated short film, a variety of music styles are heard as, in various locations,...
It is the dawn of World War III. In mid-western America, a group of teenagers band together to defen...
During World War II in the freezing winter of 1944-45 the western Netherlands are in the grip of a f...
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
A peaceful alien planet faces annihilation, as the homeless remainder of the human race sets its eye...
Centuries ago in the past, the witch, who doesn't like Beauty, puts her to sleep, then flies through...
Mr. Conductor's supply of magic gold dust, which allows him to travel between Shining Time and Thoma...
11-year-old Alfonso, heir of Don Quixote, and his three imaginary and musical rabbits, are joined by...
In this Puppetoon animated short film, Judy, an enticing blonde, lives across the way from Punchy an...
Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.
The story of Operation Market Garden—a failed attempt by the allies in the latter stages of WWII to ...
On the planet Gandahar where peace reigns and poverty is unknown, this utopian lifestyle is upset by...
The quiet village of Bramley End is taken over by German troops posing as Royal Engineers. Their tas...