Migranta tells the stories of Vicky, Betty and Lety, (three mothers who have come to Canada from Mex...
This nature documentary follows some of the world’s most charismatic animals as they travel to Mexic...
Around the film hang fascinating questions about border politics, which I’ll touch on in an introduc...
„The Frontier“ or „La Frontera“ is the undulating landscape of the Sonora Desert in Arizona, which o...
A couple of artists travels through the Mexico desert to present their puppet show.
These are the future leaders of their communities. Ever wonder what it’s like to walk a day in their...
Examines the life, work, and cultural significance of Gloria Anzaldúa, poet and visual artist, and t...
Sentinels of Silence is a 1971 short documentary film on ancient Mexican civilizations. The film was...
The film portraits the stage previous to the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution, from the end of Por...
“Archeology” and “Archive” share the same roots. Both words come from “Arkhé”, the Greek word for “o...
April 1994 in the Lacandona Jungle, Chiapas, México. The Zapatista women talk about the living condi...
Inspired by an exclusive interview and performance footage of Chavela Vargas shot in 1991 and guided...
In 1994, the Zapatista National Liberation Army, made up of impoverished Mayan Indians from the stat...
What makes a voice “gay”? A breakup with his boyfriend sets journalist David Thorpe on a quest to un...
Luis Rivera, the best Mexican high jumper of the history, seeks to inspire a generation by qualifyin...
Bejeweled Fishes captures the spectacular beauty of the myriad fishes inhabiting coral reefs of the ...
Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about the...