"The Karma Killings," is a modern-day crime thriller mixed in with Indian mythology and class warfar...
The human being feels generally as fascinated as fearful before death and the inevitable fact of dyi...
Making Dust is an essay film, a portrait of the demolition of Ireland's second largest Catholic Chur...
An emotive, intimate film on the life and death of acclaimed young Northern Irish journalist Lyra Mc...
A disturbing documentary about true murders and real death.
Memento Mori is a morbidly beautiful journey into the world of alternative post mortem arrangements ...
My Flesh and Blood is a 2003 documentary film by Jonathan Karsh chronicling a year in the life of th...
Hollywood is a hot spot for celebrities, and tour guide Scott Michaels (E!'s "20 Most Horrifying Hol...
When Werner Herzog was still a child, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was...
Mondo-style docudrama about a war correspondent who comes back home and has a spiritual crisis about...
Fallen whale carcasses, abundant in the deep-sea, form ecosystems of their own. As it decomposes, di...
Well-known Croatian author Pero Kvesić, who has been struggling with a severe lung disease, document...
Bay Area rapper Mac Dre began his career at 18 and quickly became an influential force in early west...
The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened? feature film documents the process of development of t...
Is it ever rational to choose death? On Independence Day at Stern Ranch, 77-year-old solar energy pi...
The film examines the death of the anarchist Giuseppe Pinelli, who fell from the fourth floor of the...
MOURNING IN LOD, takes a microcosmic look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through Musa, Yigal, a...
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my Soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pra...
Since 2007, dozens of young people have been found hanged in Bridgend, a town in southern Wales. Man...