The documentary film "There is no turning back" by Stéphane Kleeb tells the story of the Tibetan siblings Losang and Dechen Barshee, who came to Switzerland as refugee children in 1964. After a difficult childhood in various foster families, they return to Tibet with their mother 40 years later. This journey confronts them with the alienation from their mother and their changed homeland. The film addresses homelessness, uprooting and lost dreams.
Traces the lives of the Hartings, a blind Montreal family of three who make their living singing in ...
A portrait of His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, which includes historical footage of China's repres...
Eneida, 83 years old, makes a journey into her past, in search of her firstborn daughter, whom she h...
Interviews and discussions about children in naturism.
Buzz One Four chronicles the ill-fated flight of a Cold War B-52 Stratofortress loaded with two 3-4-...
The documentary marks the directorial debut of Chinese actor Zhang Zhehan, it documents his deeply p...
Some members of the Al-Mawad family (of Palestinian origin) visit their relatives in the town of Kfa...
A documentary featuring internationally renowned photographer Toni Hafkenscheid as he explores hidde...
In the heart of the Boreal forest lives a family renowned as much for their gourmet forest pickings ...
An uplifting insight into the lives of seven-year-old conjoined twins, who weren’t expected to live ...
People who knew R. perceived her as a happy woman. A woman from Brno in her thirties who moved to Sw...
The death of a Burkinabé family’s patriarch and the division of his estate unearths conflict between...
The life of the Schouten family revolves around tulips and top sport. Together they run a large inte...
Actually, Tomas knows his parents. Born in Brazil in 1993 and adopted from there, he now lives with ...
An intimate portrait of the nuns of Kala Rongo, a rare and exceptional Buddhist Monastery exclusivel...
What would your family reminiscences about dad sound like if he had been an early supporter of Hitle...
An NHS nurse of twenty years reflects on a challenging and strenuous career as time dwindles to her ...
When filmmaker Mari Soppela took her children and husband to live for a year on a sacred mountain in...