Set during the Edo Period, a young man from a noble family meets a young woman under a special tree called "Raiou" (the tree was struck by lightning at one time with the broken part eventually sprouting out cherry blossoms). The young woman lived freely in the mountains after she was abducted as a young child. The couple soon fall in love under the Raiou tree, but become acutely aware of their different social positions & the ramifications it has on their relationship.
On the French coast, unlucky Marie Galante is abducted and forced to board an American cargo ship bo...
Martje is the manager of a successful laundry service, but in her personal life she struggles with h...
A very interesting thriller about the coming of age of a troubled young man searching his place in t...
Oichi may have met her match as she vies against the evil beauty that has set her sights on destroyi...
A lover selflessly steps aside to let her guy go so he can hook up with a rich dame. Sadly, the good...
Brimming with action while incisively examining the nature of truth, "Rashomon" is perhaps the fines...
Clarice Starling is a top student at the FBI's training academy. Jack Crawford wants Clarice to int...
Jerry, a small-town Minnesota car salesman is bursting at the seams with debt... but he's got a plan...
A samurai answers a village's request for protection after he falls on hard times. The town needs pr...
When an armed, masked gang enter a Manhattan bank, lock the doors and take hostages, the detective a...
Furuta Oribe is ordered to become tea master under Toyotomi Hideyoshi after his teacher Sen no Rikyū...
Though she can spin wild tales of passionate romance, novelist Joan Wilder has no life of her own. T...
Set in war-torn feudal Japan, the Iga ninja make a final stand as the overwhelming armies of Warlord...
Set in 900AD and tells the story of a famous female writer of the time, Murasaki Shikibu. Her story ...
A pair of black-robed thieves who robbed many wealthy merchants in Edo one after another. One of the...
Henry Durand is a young federal agent who is given a difficult assignment: spy on his mother and her...
When their daughter is abducted by experienced kidnappers, the Jennings turn the tables on their see...
Billy is released after five years in prison. In the next moment, he kidnaps teenage student Layla a...
Jaded ex-CIA operative John Creasy reluctantly accepts a job as the bodyguard for a 10-year-old girl...
The true and infamous story of Australia's notorious criminal Mark 'Chopper' Read and his years of c...