Smith Hertz, a seemingly ordinary man is hunted down by a group of Mercenaries, and their mysterious...
A young man is abandoned by his family, and must navigate his way through a brand new, dangerous wor...
Plot is kept under wraps but is centred on a visiting relative, who is harbouring a dark secret.
Influencers on a Hamptons trip are terrorized by a mysterious online stalker.
Twenty-year-old Ryan struggles with a debilitating anxiety disorder following his father's death. To...
Ana, a young orphan moves to the house in the forest where her only friend lives. The ambition of he...
Maria, a primary school teacher, does her best to inspire a class of 10-year-olds, but is unable to ...
A seamstress gets tangled in her own thread after stealing a briefcase from a drug deal gone bad. In...
When the mother of two adoptees is tipped off about the possible affair her husband may be having wi...
After mistakenly hiring a hitman to kill his best friend, guilt-ridden David must cover his tracks a...
Just prior to his release from prison, Ted Evans receives a threat from the man whose family he kill...
Nassdja is locked down during a raging pandemic with her brutish boyfriend Luke. With the hope of he...
In 2007, a teen girl from a posh L.A. suburb must deal with the grizzly murder of her family while t...
The life of a taxi driver is to not judge or get involved. It's to go where he's told to go, for a p...
A boy begins to learn the truth about his sheltered life.
Parker is stuck in a basement, consciously living out a nightmare he knows will come to fruition unl...
A Spanish villager during the Franco dictatorship must answer the uncomfortable questions of a Civil...
A group of friends, where camping in the woods when one of them start telling a horror story.