The documentary investigates the lives and characters of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as they seek the presidency. In a historic election, those who know the candidates best reveal key moments that shape how they would lead America. Award-winning filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team sat down with Trump and Harris’ friends, advisors and critics, as well as authors, journalists and political insiders to present deeply reported narrative arcs of both candidates’ lives, going all the way back to their childhoods. What emerges in FRONTLINE's "The Choice 2024: Harris vs. Trump" is the story of two fighters: One seeking vindication and promising a return to greatness, and the other seeking to move beyond the past and promising a greater future.
An intimate reflection on life in the digital age and Seán McLoughlin's journey through the highest ...
This documentary digs into the stories of Indigenous women and families to reclaim their Indian Stat...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...
For years, right-wing politicians and pundits have repeatedly criticized the left for playing “the r...
The tower block area "Am Kölnberg" has a bad reputation. People who - for any number of reasons - en...
The crazy rise and fall of Jacques Tati, comedy genius, actor, director and athlete of laughter. Or ...
Portrait of the spokesman of the student movement and extra-parliamentary opposition Rudi Dutschke, ...
Max "Adlersson" Herzberg, 20 years of age, from Dresden decided not to spend his life working. Ever ...
Guy Debord's analysis of a consumer society.
We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They...
Dive into the unexpected twists and turns that have highlighted presidential politics over the last ...
Monique and Michel Pinçon-Charlot are a couple of French sociologists, famous for their work on the ...
In the early 70s, Barbara discovered herself backstage on her French tour. The artist plays with int...
Leah and Purity are rangers in the Kenyan bushland. They roam around Amboseli National Park every da...