In the wake of a devastating plague, that has killed most of the world's population, a man named Ror...
In the future, chaos is rampant as 'information terrorists' threaten to destroy order in society. Al...
Prepare yourself for the all too deadly future. Cash, the heroine of Cyborg 2, is living safe in the...
From the immensely popular FIST OF THE NORTH STAR comic book series, comes a new hero. The fate of m...
Following World War III, four survivors at an desert military installation attempt to drive across t...
Story about a low-life drug dealer who tries to turn his life around, but finds himself at the mercy...
After a nuclear war society breaks down into two groups, the evil Euraks, and the rebel Federation. ...
A mysterious interplanetary diplomat arrives at a post-apocalyptic planet earth in order to facilita...
A violent, guitar-playing, electrically charged boxer faces off against an electronic wizard half-me...
Teppei and Kamiya, two average joes working in the electronic services industry, stumble upon the in...
In the near future in the Asian city-state Sintawan, everyone's identity is recorded in the vast Cyb...
Capable of making bio-mechanical weapons out of human flesh, alien parasites grotesquely invade the ...
Big hair, big guns, big personalities, and a serious lack of wardrobe. She-Wolves of the Wasteland, ...
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing s...
Visiting Medical Researcher gets involved with a cult Priestess somewhere deep in the jungle.
Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has...
Max Rockatansky returns as the heroic loner who drives the dusty roads of a postapocalyptic Australi...
Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incur...
The Last Land has crumbled at the hands of Kenshiro, but in order to save the young Lord Doha, the p...
Destruction and betrayal take center stage in the latest installment of the New Fist of the North St...