Following the news of President Jimmy Carter entering hospice care, his friends and family reflect on his impact on them and their town.
“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routin...
When an unidentified hiker is found deceased in the Florida wilderness, authorities release a sketch...
"Disney's California Adventure opened to the public on February 8, 2001, the second of two theme par...
"If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat" is an intimate meditation on the subversive na...
After years of overproduction, the Reagan administration unloads over 500 million pounds of surplus ...
Against the backdrop of Cold War, Glory to the Queen reveals stories of four legendary female chess ...
Filmmakers stay at a haunted lodge and find themselves in over their heads when they encounter somet...
Money, Media, and Legislation. Using these three means, your livelihood is being subverted and coopt...
This unique glimpse into the private lives of our Presidents and their families showcases some of th...
The inauguration of Jimmy Carter as the 39th president of the United States was held on Thursday, Ja...
An intimate insider’s journey to uncover buried truths and explore how the community in Monroe, Geor...
A chronicle of the former president's tour recent for his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid."
When the rivers freeze, world class freestyle kayakers find their way to a special spot on the Chatt...
This rockumentary-style presidential portrait shows how Jimmy Carter reinvigorated a post-Watergate ...
Short documentary about the Georgian Military Road. Captures Ingush and Ossetian settlements of the ...
The first presidential debate between President Gerald Ford and former Governor Jimmy Carter took pl...
The second presidential debate between President Gerald Ford and former Governor Jimmy Carter took p...
The third and final presidential debate between President Gerald Ford and former Governor Jimmy Cart...