Set in post-independent India, this film narrates the story of a naive villager who has warped ideas about an atrocious communal group called Razzakars and wishes to join it until he realises what they are capable of.
The story follows the encounters of Victor and Tanya at the end of their junior year. The two of the...
In a small village in Darjeeling, Sahuji the merchant has weaved a web of corruption in every layers...
A common man tries to fight terrorism by making anonymous calls to cops. Will he succeed ?
Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find h...
Secret agent Drew Stargrove is brutally murdered by the ruthless hermaphrodite gang leader Velvet Vo...
The fast career of a young Neapolitan among contraband, gambling dens, bribes and illegality. He wil...
Discover the life of renowned Muslim scholar Buya Hamka, from his humble West Sumatra origins to his...
A young fighter named Kham must go to Australia to retrieve his stolen elephant. With the help of a ...
A real-time account of the events on United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 that crash...
Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on half-brothers Pa...
How the tragic death of one man triggered a David and Goliath battle between two Allies that echoed ...
A female teenager witnesses a murder in a desolate high density housing area on the outskirts of Ber...
Flight 93 is a 2006 made-for-TV film, directed by Peter Markle, which chronicles the events aboard U...
An actress in New York City goes against a group of gangsters who are abusing her "party girl" frien...
The story revolves around a national political association in the 1940s, joined by a group of nation...
For generations, two rival French villages, Longueverne and Velrans, have been at war. But this is n...
Andy is a new teacher at an inner city high school that is unlike any he has seen before. There are ...
North Korea's 8th Special Forces hijack a shipment of CTX, a potent new liquid explosive, and threat...
After getting threatened by Kelly's friends and family, Constable Fitzpatrick places the blame on Ne...
Cate Blanchett stars as Philippa, a British teacher living in Turin, Italy, who has seen many friend...