Meet Tony Rossi, a 10-year-old boy who can only distinguish light from shadow. Despite this difficul...
With the use of montage sequences, voiced over with the observations of the children, van der Keuken...
Shot in the Dark is a documentary on three blind photographers: Pete Eckert, Sonia Soberats and Bruc...
An independently produced documentary about growing up as a blind youth in 1960's Japan. It focuses ...
The documentary follows the remarkable journey in America's heartland of automotive pioneer and visi...
When Gordon Gund went blind in 1970 at age 30 due to retinitis pigmentosa, he resolved to find a cur...
Sven has a dream. Once in his life he wants to walk the Camino de Santiago - the Way of St. James. B...
In the summer of 1983, just days before the birth of his first son, writer and theologian John Hull ...
A brief glimpse through the life of Granny Lue. A woman of faith, fearlessness, and fierce energy, s...
Carried by an immersive sound environment that plunges us in the reality and the perceptions of thes...
After losing sight in 1983, John Hull began keeping an audio diary, a unique testimony of loss, rebi...
The story of a boy who suddenly lost his sight as a result of cancer. He has a hard time getting alo...
Rudy & Des is a short documentary that tells the story of true friendship between two friends wh...
Confessions of people who have lost their sight during their lives. What are their feelings and how ...
Visually impaired climber Koichiro Kobayashi, also known as Koba, relies on the voice of his site gu...
Losing the Light reflects the artist's bitter battle to stay in this world as a long-term survivor o...