This is an animated story covering the ancient legend of Beowulf, as narrated by Grendel himself, the "monster" in the legend. Aimed more at adults than children, this version holds some interesting twists on the traditional tale, and is based on a novel by American critic and academic John Gardner.
After suffering a plane crash on a mysterious island, a young man embarks on an epic journey through...
Lewis, a brilliant young inventor, is keen on creating a time machine to find his mother, who abando...
In his homeland of Alagaesia, a farm boy happens upon a dragon's egg -- a discovery that leads him o...
Searching for his brother, Ryota stows away on a boat belonging to a criminal alongside two other te...
A spiral of dreams and ages unravel as two celestial characters awaken and transmutate into a mythol...
When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the w...
Akira wakes up with Ticket stuck to his hand. Along with Right, they fight off another puppet which ...
On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a ...
Swept by the ocean waves, nine kids find themselves on a remote island where they meet one-eyed pira...
Sinbad and his crew intercept a homunculus carrying a golden tablet. Koura, the creator of the homun...
After a meteorite unleashes a three-headed beast upon Tokyo, Mothra tries to unite with Godzilla and...
Humanity finally rids themselves of Godzilla, imprisoning him in an icy tomb in the South Pole. All ...
Apartment building superintendent Cleveland Heep rescues what he thinks is a young woman from the po...
In an ancient time when majestic fire-breathers soared through the skies, a knight named Bowen comes...
The blood-soaked tale of a Norse warrior's battle against the great and murderous troll, Grendel. He...
After losing their academic posts at a prestigious university, a team of parapsychologists goes into...
The advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, frustrated with the low ratings of their sponso...
A ship runs aground on a mysterious atoll leading to an investigation by insurance representative Ku...
A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on col...