In the small town of Rechnitz a terrible crime against humanity was performed during the holocaust. ...
The classic movie "The Great Escape" was based on a real life escape attempt during the second world...
Home movies and their unique place in popular culture are the subject of My Father's Camera. Directo...
Join Kay Martinez as they explore the game development, character design, original soundtrack, and c...
A journey into the 1920s and 1930s featuring restored and edited home movies taken by Japanese Ameri...
United States Navy Training Film produced under the supervision to the Bureau of Aeronautics by Walt...
"Honey Hunters" is a life story of bees and people. In order to get to the bottom of the mysteries o...
Cologne is the largest city that the G.I.s will take during the war. Nazi propaganda has declared th...
Ralph Rush, a Scout in General George S. Patton's World War II Intelligence & Reconnaisance Platoons...
When our elders pass away, they live on through the stories of them that we share, keeping us warm w...
Within hours of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, bombs rained down on U.S. and Filipino forces i...
The work of Leiden professor Bastiaans on dealing with the trauma of war victims attracts the attent...
“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routin...
Drawing upon eye-witness accounts from survivors and participants in the bombing of Hiroshima, this ...
This feature documentary examines its own genre, which has often been called Canada's national art f...
A WWII film about children evacuated from Britain and sent to Canada for their safety. The film begi...
Barack Obama launched into our national consciousness at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and...