In this poignant film, the story unfolds through a heartfelt letter from a mother to her son, Jacob, reflecting on the loss of his other mother. Through flashbacks and the sharing of memories, we witness the love story between Adrianna, a dedicated OSI agent, and her wife, Heather, as they navigate the challenges of military life under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. Despite the constant fear of exposure, their bond grows stronger. Adrianna's eventual deployment to Afghanistan, where she serves with valor, ends tragically, leaving her family to grapple with the devastating news. The narrative captures the enduring love and strength that Adrianna instilled in her family, her commitment to her duty, and the bittersweet reality of their shared dreams cut short. The film closes with a reflection on the end of America's military involvement in Afghanistan, juxtaposing personal loss with historical milestones, and a message of gratitude and resilience for the future.
Set during World War II, Yank! chronicles the romantic relationship between two servicemen long befo...
A sociological study of two men in the Israeli army who are lovers. The others in the unit react to ...
ONLY IN THEATERS, a film by actor/director Raphael Sbarge, is an intimate and moving journey taken w...
After returning home from an extended tour in Afghanistan, a decorated U.S. Army medic and single mo...
First there was ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’, then ‘My Brilliant Career’, and now best of all ‘The Getti...
A former U.S. Navy Seal seeks life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness living life as a transgende...
How do we heal our deepest wounds? Two combat veterans, suffering from severe trauma, abandon pharma...
A U.S. Marine plots a terrorist attack on a small-town American mosque, but his plan takes an unexpe...
It's 1968. Ian and John, two young point men in love in the midst of the Vietnam War, lead their sq...
The extraordinary story of Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940), creator of Nils Holgersson, a ...
In 1942 in occupied France, a Jewish refugee marries a soldier to escape deportation to Germany. Mea...
This exploitation classic purports to expose the secrets of the 1960s lesbian underworld.
A documentary on the historic first-ever visit of a Palestinian National team to Europe, following t...
In the hip Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook, single dad and record store owner Frank is preparing t...
Satya was born in the countryside, in the middle of the world. Helen and Nicola, her mothers, wanted...
In 150 years, twice marked by total destruction —a terrible earthquake in 1923 and incendiary bombin...
At the height of the Cold War, a troubled soldier forms a forbidden love triangle with a daring figh...
A short documentary exploring the ways LGBT couples show affection, and how small interactions like ...