A biographical documentary that delves into the controversial personal life of iconic singer Chris Brown, charting his journey from a troubled childhood to global superstardom. It explores his violent public record, including allegations of domestic violence, assault charges and sexual misconduct, while questioning how a man with such a turbulent history maintains his celebrity status. With expert and cultural commentary layered throughout, the film offers thoughtful reflections on the cycle of abuse and its lasting psychological impact, shedding light on the experiences of survivors and the aftermath of their trauma.
An hour-long documentary on the life and career of actor David Gulpilil.
The Oscar nominated actor best known for his role of Mr. Miyagi, left behind a painfully revealing a...
The story of James Cotton, harmonica powerhouse, whose music shaped blues and rock. Orphaned at 9, C...
In 14th Century England, this tale of murder and mystery follows a fugitive priest who falls in with...
An accidental death of the suspect leads to the entire team of the Third Division being imprisoned. ...
A woman who has psychic visions returns to her hometown to exorcise her demons. Once there she finds...
Adventurer, filmmaker, inventor, author, unlikely celebrity and conservationist: For over four decad...
Short documentary in which Ivan Barbosa follows Tarikh Janssen's career switch. The actor leaves the...
A documentary on funk and P-funk and the bands and artists that made it all happen: James Brown, Sly...
This documentary chronicles an Yves Montand concert for Chilean refugees in France.
A journey through the meteoric rise and tempestuous story of the legendary American actor Al Pacino,...
Follows the man who survived an assassination attempt by poisoning with a lethal nerve agent in Augu...
A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Ha...
Barry White gave the world some of its most joyous music, and that voice mesmerised women everywhere...
One in four women experience violence in their homes. Have you ever asked, “Why doesn't she just lea...
Oscar-winning filmmaker Julia Reichert reflects on the social, economic and personal forces that led...
A young woman fakes her own death in an attempt to escape her nightmarish marriage, but discovers it...
The world couldn't keep its eyes off two athletes at the 1994 Winter Games in Lillehammer - Nancy Ke...
An exploration of the personal and creative struggles behind the music of four-time Grammy-winning ...