"O Regresso" is a documentary featuring renowned Portuguese actor Ruy de Carvalho as he returns to Macau after a 10-year absence. Directed to mark the 10th anniversary of his visit, the film captures Ruy de Carvalho revisiting key locations across the city, reflecting on the cultural and social transformations that Macau underwent in the lead-up to its handover from Portuguese to Chinese administration in 1999. Blending personal memories with the evolving landscape, the documentary offers a nostalgic look at Macau's unique blend of Portuguese and Chinese heritage, seen through the eyes of one of Portugal’s most beloved actors.
A hundred letters written by Portuguese women during the Salazar dictatorship were found by chance i...
Debunking the mythology surrounding the 16th century French prophet, Nostradamus.
In the 17th century, the Netherlands experienced an unprecedented artistic explosion: painters such ...
The story of Russian writer and Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) and his masterpi...
Leni Riefenstahl's flamboyant Nazi aesthetics shaped the public image of the 1936 Olympics. Never be...
On October 24, 1940, Philippe Pétain met Adolf Hitler in Montoire and led the French into collaborat...
Picture a land of boulder-strewn shorelines, isolated mountaintops, and golden prairies. Here, packs...
The story of a Franco-Belgian family living in Japan from 1927 to 1947, a time of prosperity and for...
In Morocco, new excavations on the site of Jebel Irhoud upset the generally accepted view of the dat...
At the end of WWI, the treaty of Versailles established the conditions for peace in Europe. The aim ...
On January 6, 2021, Americans witnessed an attack on the U.S. Capitol without precedent in our histo...
Since the outbreak of the global corona pandemic, the number of anti-Semitic content on the Internet...
Examines the history of the African kings from Kush who conquered Egypt and ruled over it for 1500 y...