Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen sum...
This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northe...
A professor develops an extraordinary relationship with an octopus when he invites it to live in his...
Delving into the existence of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, considered one of the most mysteriou...
This feature-length documentary by Alanis Obomsawin examines the plight of Native people who come to...
Embark on a delightful journey into the world of dogs in this documentary that reveals scientific an...
A documentary that explores what it means to be a young person in Quebec after the dissolution of th...
Death threats, court battles, and an iconic endangered species in middle, The Trouble With Wolves ta...
A dive inside a wild land where nature hides some of her greatest secrets: The Alps. Steep slopes, w...
Directed by Ariane Louis-Seize, this tribute film was created as a gift for Lorraine Pintal, directo...
A cinematic and introspective look at the residents of a Quebec town—once the site of the world's la...
In the heart of the Boreal forest lives a family renowned as much for their gourmet forest pickings ...
With celebrated primatologist Jane Goodall, this documentary goes around the world to meet the indiv...
Summer unveils a new blueberry season in northern Canada. The fields are covered in blue and workers...