Smith Hertz, a seemingly ordinary man is hunted down by a group of Mercenaries, and their mysterious...
After awakening in her basement, the protagonist finds herself cursed by an object, rendering her un...
A creative person often seems weird, funny and a little bit crazy. Even his friends and family do no...
A young girl sets out to prove to her disapproving mother she can house-train the endearing but unru...
Movie sequel to the CG anime series The King of Fighters: Destiny.
A stop-motion celebration of Christmas (and exercise in ethics) by SpongeBob SquarePants, with appea...
The newest entry in the Axegrinder series. Freddy Palmer is dead. Again. But not for long. When a g...
A grieving woman takes a mysterious pill that throws her into the drug trip of her life...or death.
A man made of newspaper waits and waits by the telephone.
A papercut stopmotion animation in which human Travelers from 2053 travel 30 years into the past to ...
A man with a predatory nature goes on a tinder date, a sinister plan begins to unravel.
Horror television movie from Kuwait.
Noah Holiday lives his life being constantly reminded of a tragic event that occurred while he was a...
In 2004, at a prom weekend beach house, Charley (Billy Kasper) plays a hypnotic tape from his late m...
A cursed house notorious for its savage supernatural killings re-awakens with the grim intentions of...
When a fleet of mysterious spaceships attacks Dream Land, Kirby embarks on a nerve-shattering journe...
A journey through the memories of a young girl struggling to come to terms with the complexity of he...
A woman is chased into her apartment by an unknown entity.
On August 12th, 1967, in Montana's Glacier National Park, the unthinkable happened: On the same nigh...
A young girl is taking a bike trip on a hot summer day. Enjoying her time in nature, she soon finds ...