How the Fiddle Flows follows Canada's great rivers west along the fur-trading route of the early Eur...
This documentary focuses on the goose hunt, a ritual of central importance to the Cree people of the...
The film follows Postcommodity, an interdisciplinary arts collective comprised of Raven Chacon, Cris...
Documentary film about the "zanja de Alsina", a long trench dug in the Argentinian Pampa in 1876 as ...
It portrays a pioneering and risky work carried out in a small Xinane base, by FUNAI, near Parallel ...
The Great Lakes and connecting waterways have remained the center of traditional and contemporary ec...
All across Alaska, Native cultures have depended on the abundant natural resources found there to su...
Oklahoma is home to thirty-nine federally recognized tribes. Nowhere in North America will you find ...
A short documentary about the Ojibwe Native Americans of Northern Minnesota and the wild rice (Manoo...
In El Salvador, Chelino tells about the indigenous massacre of 1932, of which he survived, while he ...
A vision from Limbo, where the canoeist of the eternal lake floats in his boat, between sleep and wa...
This short documentary serves as a portrait of Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, one of Canada's most impor...
In this documentary short, two men paddle a canoe across a remote part of northern Lake Superior. Ea...
This short documentary follows three Indigenous women as they practice ancestral forms of worship: d...
Nóouhàh-Toka’na, known as swift fox in English, once roamed the North American Great Plains from Can...
The Cherokee language is deeply tied to Cherokee identity; yet generations of assimilation efforts b...
In the town of San Miguel Tzinacapan, in Puebla’s Nahua Mountain Range, a family lost its father. Hi...
In the mountainous country near Lillooet, British Columbia, eleven-year-old Kevin Alec of the Founta...
In the same vein as Meri's other documentations, this one takes advantage of the glasnost policy to ...