This deeply affecting documentary follows a small number of Israelis and Gazans through the most dramatic and tragic year of their lives. Using personal and previously unseen footage, it tells the story of the war in Gaza and the October 7 attacks through deeply emotional stories from both sides of the conflict. In Gaza, the film follows three individuals from reaction to the October 7th attacks to the start of the bombing by the Israeli military and to the loss of family members that all three suffer. In Israel, we witness footage of the Israeli characters, as they and their family members are attacked by Hamas on October 7th and then follow their stories through the year.
Two childhood friends are recruited for a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv.
This is the story of an incredible rise to power, the most comprehensive documentary on Hermann Goer...
"Haturnir" is a documentary film, following Liam Ronen "The CEO" - a high school student who arrange...
Ari Ben Canaan, a passionate member of the Jewish paramilitary group Haganah, attempts to transport ...
This fascinating program presents the story of Jerusalem and the Holy Land against the backdrop of h...
On October 24, 1940, Philippe Pétain met Adolf Hitler in Montoire and led the French into collaborat...
A documentary about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has lasted for more than 50 years. Contain...
An Israeli film director interviews fellow veterans of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon to reconstruct h...
The murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic extremist in 2004, followed by the publish...
Filmed in a village of the indigenous Mandaya people, located in a mountainous area of southeastern ...
An American Army officer is recruited by the yet to exist Israel to help them form an army. He is di...
The painful personal stories of five Palestinian kids, ages 7-17, open a window into the world of Pa...
Nony Geffen, a 30 year old student living in Tel Aviv with his roommate Rotem, is a musician and is ...
Documentary on water usage, money, politics, the transformation of nature, and the growth of the Ame...
A cinematic essay interweaving private archive images and a mixture of reflective, speculative and p...
This real-life thriller tells the story of one of Israel’s prized intelligence sources, recruited to...
Peter Maffay and his wife explore Israel.
A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms, with...
Mexico─United States border bar, “Trump Wall” is full of displaced migrants’ grief. Gaston who came ...
In 2014, during a trip, American Tim Bruns discovered cliffs in a small village five minutes north o...