A documentary that follows the journey of a young man named Kristian, who suffers from anxiety and a...
A documentary on MTV's Fear including interviews and behind-the-scenes footage.
A documentary about the career of legendary production designer Joe Alves and his four decades in Ho...
Monique and Michel Pinçon-Charlot are a couple of French sociologists, famous for their work on the ...
Hollywood film music has its roots in Europe. Three composers who fled war and National Socialism to...
A life marked by wandering. A character that leaves no traces or maps to trace. The file does not gi...
"Idols" have become a representative part of Japanese culture. This film is a documentary that delve...
Dive into the case of a Wisconsin father, convicted of brutally murdering his ex-lover's new partner...
"Like" it or not, Facebook wants you to share everything, but how much information are they willing ...
25 years after the verdict in the Jamie Bulger murder trial, we reveal what the jury, public and pre...
November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Through the perspective of va...
Follow Busking For Misfits as they work on their debut album, Modern Problems. Filmed over four days...
This timely documentary chronicles the tech-fueled rise and Fyre-style fall of HQ Trivia, the revolu...
Iceberg the documentary takes a personal deep dive into Stormy; the person behind and beyond music. ...
A document of Denton, TX emoviolence band bulletsbetweentongues recording their first LP "The Lights...