This documentary follows a group of filmmakers on a journey to capture the unique experiences of the Enlightenment Academy's gap year program in Sudbury, Ontario. The project was initiated by Bach Van Dyke, a self-proclaimed world-famous actor, director, producer, and model, who enlisted the help of a small team to bring his vision to life. Despite Van Dyke's larger-than-life persona, the documentary offers a more grounded perspective on the program and its participants. Viewers can expect to encounter a colorful cast of characters, including Dr. Raymond Cism, a social media-savvy health doctor, and the program's students, Sheen, Jake, and Butch.
CREMASTER 1 (1995) is a musical revue performed on the blue Astroturf playing field of Bronco Stadiu...
An account of the most important event in recorded history.
Lucy and Viv clean up messes for the county, and they're having a bad day. Viv's husband has just le...
When an emotionally abusive father reneges on a lifelong promise, a determined millennial is forced ...
Daniel Johnston stars in this psychedelic short film about an aging musician coming to terms with th...
Ken Blanchard describes six keys to successful teamwork, all found in a Hollywood movie classic.
Dave Chapelle tells a few stories from his childhood, including his early career as a comic and bein...
It’s a Date is a culmination of his preoccupations, a weird but humanistic look at a couple on a fir...
Two rabbis show the ruins of an abandoned synagogue to a group of primary school-age Jewish children...
This movie is a choral of mothers and grandmothers. The old women who rise above the world in suprem...
The first animated short film to feature Varga's clumsy claymation character Augusta.
Through the eyes of a British "documentary", this film takes a satirically humorous, and sometimes f...
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answ...
Henry and Johnnie need to clean the apartment before the wives get home.
Marlon E. Fuentes' Bontoc Eulogy is a haunting, personal exploration into the filmmaker's complex re...
Find Fix Finish delves into the stories of three US-Drone pilots revealing the clandestine operation...
Three delegates from Sweden, Norway and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide which piece of art...
A crazy night race in which Cabelo and Parreco need to put up hundreds of posters for a heavy metal ...