This unique historical film follows the struggle in Kenya's Tsavo National Park against bow and arrow poachers who kill elephants and rhino, and the story of hand-rearing elephant and rhino orphans whose mothers were killed by poachers.
This documentary takes audiences into the heart of Africa's Congo Basin to meet the men and women tr...
The film tells of the beginnings of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. At the end of the 1950s...
As the largest living terrestrial mammals, elephants are usually considered as survivors under even ...
Elephants are among the most majestic and intelligent creatures on Earth--but for hundreds of years,...
In Africa, poachers brutally maim and kill elephants for their ivory, much of which is exported to C...
National Geographic filmmakers, Dereck and Beverly Joubert, explore how some animals are thrust toge...
Elephants disrupt the lives of a family deep in the jungles of Northern Siam, and an entire village.
Drawing upon a vast and richly visual archive and featuring a host of performers, historians and afi...
August Klar has a dream. He’s trying to make a movie, that has never been done before. His ambitions...
This film uncovers the intriguing mystery of the return of the African rhino. In the 1800s there wer...
Ashes and Snow, a film by Gregory Colbert, uses both still and movie cameras to explore extraordinar...
"The World's Loneliest Elephant" Kaavan will finally experience freedom, thanks to his biggest champ...
An elephant born in captivity seeks to achieve something resembling freedom.
On the northern bank of the Sand River in the Mala-Mala Game Reserve in South Africa, seven magnific...
Near the region of Angkor Watt, a group of children capture a baby elephant and are just growing att...
Disneynature’s Elephant follows African elephant Shani and her spirited son Jomo as their herd make ...
David Attenborough investigates the remarkable life and death of Jumbo the elephant - a celebrity an...
This story began with a blind, bull elephant called Pla-Ra. Paul Barton took his piano to ElephantsW...
Ashley Bell and a team of elephant rescuers led by world renowned Asian elephant conservationist Lek...
An exclusive, festive behind-the-scenes look at the iconic London Zoo, as they prepare for the most ...