Based on the real-life adventures chronicled by Cameron Crowe, Fast Times follows a group of high school students growing up in Southern California. Stacy Hamilton and Mark Ratner are looking for a love interest, and are helped along by their older classmates, Linda Barrett and Mike Damone, respectively. At the center of the film is Jeff Spicoli, a perpetually stoned surfer who faces-off with the resolute Mr. Hand—a man convinced that everyone is on dope.
Juan Martin, a young boy from San Sebastian, decides to spend the summer in a remote hillside farmho...
After getting her heart broken on The Price of Love, a wildly popular dating reality show that match...
The story of Bea Johnson from birth to graduation as she navigates life with an intellectually disab...
A dark comedy about accidentally kidnapping your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend.
From the outside, the Suhs seem like a loving, cookie-cutter, middle-class family with their lives i...
Silvia and Edgar have been married for a long time, but can't stand each other now. But a divorce wo...
A drama-comedy about Max, a successful New York-based commercial cinematographer, who is disillusion...
"This funny individual will make you laugh until your sides ache. He is funny in all his actions, ye...
In this steamy morality play, a Hollywood screenwriter lusts after his beautiful 16-year-old daughte...
An aspiring painter meets eccentric locals and a fellow New Yorker while working on a barn in Norway...
A headstrong Chinese-American woman returns to China when her beloved grandmother is given a termina...
Lotta Petermann is looking forward to her first class trip. Finally without parents and with her bes...
Pediatric specialist Tasha Mason is focused on one thing; keeping the kids in her ward as healthy an...
Here is the third and last of three self-contained shorts by Helke Sander from her series of shorts ...
The king and the queen conceive Snow White during a sexual relationship in the snow.
Two best friends, Red and Blue, risk everything to find the greatest treasure of all time.
Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their romance from pretend to officially real when another recip...
Isabel Reyes (Rhian Ramos) is an infamous soap opera villain in the country. Everyone simply loathes...
A month's vacation with the family can mean a lot, which is what Lily realizes when she returns home...
Due to a spacecraft malfunction, saleryman Ryu and his robot companion "MOS-01" crash land on the sp...