In this horror-comedy where the dialogue was completely improvised, a reality game show pits contestants against a superhuman serial killer inside a high-stakes arena, as they compete for a one-million dollar grand prize. The show is in it's sixth season, and so far, no one has ever won...
Eva is a career woman who loves her job and hates beans. In the aftermath of rejecting a marriage pr...
This zany send-up of teen slasher flicks features a maniacal psycho known as the Breather, who stalk...
Embark on a haunting journey with 'Threads,' a Claymation body horror directed by NOFAC3. After an e...
After Reese brings home an antique chair, a series of horrific events follow, leading him to questio...
Fitas Proibidas is a horror anthology that immerses the viewer in a series of macabre and supernatur...
A boy ferociously slaughters his friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers.
Four men, stalled car, cornfields, and scarecrows. Is that a house in the distance?
Two filmmakers explore a haunted forest, they experience more than they bargained for.
In Japan, the vampire-hunter Saya, who is a powerful original, is sent by her liaison with the gover...
Peter and his friends find a snuff film at their high school principal's house.
Several people get locked in a turkish bath at night, being hunted by a brutal serial killer, who se...
A young couple unwittingly spends all their money on a new home only to discover that it's haunted. ...
Sloan Carter is a young girl who has recently been blinded. Her father leaves for the weekend and he...
A boy is being bullied at a Boarding School. Things get out of hand and he will need his revenge.
Imogen Sayre is given an ultimatum by her publisher to write a sequel to her one best selling novel ...
The Chipmunks work in an amusement park attraction. After Alvin drives a crazy tour group, they miss...
High schoolers Riley and Tyler park in the woods for a secret hookup only to discover they are being...
When Cam returns her movies late to the video store, she finds out that she has to pay her late fees...
Disturbing nightmares haunt a boy's commute from work to home. Everything overlaps, what is truly re...
After an accident on a winding road, four teens make the fatal mistake of dumping their victim's bod...