"Wortown Rising" is a documentary by first-time independent filmmaker, musician, and producer Kaz Supernova. It chronicles the first Hip-Hop movement in Worcester, MA, which began around 1979, flourished in the '80s, and eventually became known as "Wortown." The story traces the scene's deep local roots as well as its direct influences from South Bronx Hip-Hop legends DJ Charlie Chase (Cold Crush Brothers) and T La Rock. Featuring never-before-seen video footage, articles, music, photographs, and interviews with over 80 artists whose paths are connected through Hip-Hop.
A film about women who love and make hip-hop music. These artists strive through the erasures and ob...
This is the life of Bernardo, a 13 year old boy who is born from MCs in the Federal District turns i...
Legendary funk and soul drummers and LA's most talented turntablists collaborate in an improvisation...
African Underground: Democracy in Dakar is a groundbreaking documentary film about hip-hop youth and...
A documentary that charts the never ending hustle of up and coming, as well as seasoned hip-hop prod...
At the end of 2018 Colle Der Fomento, the most enduring italian hip hop group, were about to release...
East Coast natives Napoleon, Young Noble, Edi and Kastro attempt to unify the thug nation.
Short documentary on underground rap culture in New York City.
"In this half-hour documentary, Producer Sandra King provides an intimate portrait of a public pheno...
A film about three teenagers - Klara, Mina and Tanutscha - from the Berlin district of Kreuzberg. Th...
The American comedian/actor delivers a story about the alternative Hip Hop scene. A small town Ohio ...
The documentary tracks the making of Reasonable Doubt, Hova's rise to stardom, and the legacy of the...
A true-life tale of the Great American Dream, this movie showcases one man's rise from the streets o...
A documentary film that highlights two street derived dance styles, Clowning and Krumping, that came...