In November 1936, a few months since the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, the government of the S...
This short film follows Flavio Caseros, a TV host with xenophobic beliefs who seeks to create a docu...
Professor Calculus's friend develops a blue-skinned orange that can grow on any kind of land and sur...
Mario and Olivia fall madly in love. One afternoon, considering that every relationship ends, they e...
The small town of San Carlos suffers an atrocious injustice: the neighboring city of Chillán snatche...
Rosa is about to turn 45 and realises that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else. So sh...
Spanish Civil War, May, 1938. Four villages in Castellón, Benassal, Albocàsser, Ares del Maestrat an...
The early days of the future genius of Spanish cinema Luis García Berlanga, from his birth in Valenc...
Finally, 33 years later, the whole truth behind the attempted coup d'état that shook Spain on the af...
The life story of Vicente Miguel Carceller (1890-1940), a Spanish editor committed to freedom who, t...
At the beginning of 2020 and for more than two years, at least four agents of the National Police Co...
A mute gunslinger takes on an oppressive landlord in 19th century Valencia and falls in love with a ...