Writer-actor Aaron Davidman embodies seventeen different characters in and around the sacred city of...
Five individuals relate their life stories and struggles as they journey to participate in the filmi...
The silent cinema had already created colossal movies based on ancient civilizations, but it is in t...
This movie is a short documentary about both the narrator's, and the youth's, experience as Christia...
A documentary exploring the rigorous training and meditation practices found at the Shōgen-ji, a Zen...
Religiosity is an immaterial wealth that preserves the identity of a people. Documentary filmmaker P...
Yes, you read it right, it reads Keep your underwear on! If that is not shocking enough, now imagine...
Traditions during Easter holidays in the remote village of Grešnica. The film was a research project...
Prior to 1973, Satan seemed all but dead and gone, the causality of a modernist mindset. But with Li...
Recreation of facts and stories of both experts and people who met Maximilian Kolbe and were shocked...
In 1934, the Spanish filmmaker José Val del Omar traveled to the region of Murcia, where he document...
Deeply rooted in humanity's history, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been making repeated visitations th...