The story revolves around Rita. She is a beautiful girl who lost her memory due to an uncertain incident. Trouble arises when two persons named Vijay And Ramesh claim to be her husband. She, along with her dog, investigates.
In a future world where memories are handled like computer files, two lovers decide to undergo a pro...
Successful movie director John L. Sullivan, convinced he won't be able to film his ambitious masterp...
Leonard Shelby is tracking down the man who raped and murdered his wife. The difficulty of locating ...
After an accident a man has lost his memory. However, he feels a conspiracy is brewing around him. H...
Martin, conductor of a symphonic orchestra, meet Barbara, violine player and they start a relationsh...
After arriving in an unfamiliar park and encountering his best friend, Dawson is having a hard time ...
David, a successful therapist, is the creator of a never-before-used method in modern psychology: a ...
Struggling with memories of a past lives and deaths, Emily must uncover the truth before the loop re...
Deepa, a schizophrenic patient, loses her normalcy due to a mishap that occurred in her personal lif...
Dustin Lewis investigates his own past after losing a signification portion of his memory.
The desolation of vast retail spaces is not so far off from the decay of one's memories.
Pop chronicles the journey of three generations of Meyerowitz men on a road trip from Florida to the...
In this 3D animated short we follow the journey of a little Gecko, living inside an Alzheimer’s pati...
Alice Howland, happily married with three grown children, is a renowned linguistics professor who st...
Abraham, a seventy-year-old pianist, receives an invitation to a tribute in his honor. But he's havi...
Just like our memories, the stories we honor tonight were immortalized through a very unique vision ...
The wedding of Ellen and David is halted by a stranger who insists that the bride is already married...
After losing part of her memory, Maret, 44, sets out to find out who she used to be. She learns abou...
Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheime...