The story revolves around a performance troupe whose performances did not achieve the expected finan...
Two sisters (Riya) and (Skina), start a gang to kidnap rich women with the help of Riya's husband. S...
The Play Speaks about the problems during the 80’s during the parliament elections and the difficul...
A Kuwaiti social comedy play presented to the leaders of the Gulf states at the Gulf Summit in 1985,...
A Kuwaiti play talks about the life of Kuwaitis in the years of poverty experienced by Kuwaitis befo...
A respectable man inherits a cabaret from his brother and finds himself obliged to manage him and ta...
Al-Soul Maslehi (Samir Ghanem) runs a prison, and his father-in-law (Zakaria Mawafi) offers to rent ...
Jarhead is a film about a US Marine Anthony Swofford’s experience in the Gulf War. After putting up ...
A reporter in Iraq might just have the story of a lifetime when he meets Lyn Cassady, a guy who clai...
It's Fourth of July Weekend, and the recently discovered corpse of Sgt. Sam Harper rises from the de...
A group of American soldiers stationed in Iraq at the end of the Gulf War find a map they believe wi...
Years after his squad was ambushed during the Gulf War, Major Ben Marco finds himself having terribl...
After Saddam Hussein had the Kuwait Oil wells lit up, teams from all over the world fought those fir...
The events revolve around a group of people inside a supermarket who went to buy their necessities, ...
The first feature film to be made by the state of Kuwait. It is a period piece about Kuwait before t...