Two troubled adolescents chronicle the events that ultimately lead up to a terrifying assault on the...
The lives of three disparate families are illuminated by a meteor shower on a winter night.
Infamous burglar "The Bat" commits a daring jewelry theft despite heavy police presence. Soon after,...
A female worker in Socialist Hungary gains the acceptance of her male colleagues.
It is 1968 and Marianne is nineteen years old. She has been sent to a home for young girls, far from...
Thomas Renner, an aspiring painter, struggles to make his masterpiece while dealing with complete co...
After a chaotic episode with his wife, Russian-Estonian worker Nikolai is left alone with their one ...
A disabled man takes on the system when his pension is tied up in a morass of red tape. His story is...
A psychiatrist tells two stories: one of a trans woman, the other of a pseudohermaphrodite.
The argument with the soul becomes a crucial phase of the individuation process, since, after all, i...
A group of paint worker can’t take their salary from the fabricator and they go on strike.
The film follows the lives of those who immigrate to the city, leaving their families behind. Ahmet ...
A gold prospector in Alaska struggles to survive the elements and win the heart of a dance hall girl...
An upcoming film directed by Enrico Iannaccone. Valerio (Antonio Folletto) is a thirty year old man...
An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation after the re...
Tensions rise within an asbestos cleaning crew as they work in an abandoned mental hospital with a h...
Four sets of passengers and their romantic antics make the night shift of a rideshare driver one to ...
In a busy life, Copi is a father who tries to teach the right way to his son, Paste. But - What is t...
A 23-year-old revisits the family car he grew up with to experience the thrill of childhood again...
Two thugs from the Perth suburb of Midland catch the last train to Fremantle. When a young woman boa...