Documentary tells the story of the Chilean football club Colo-Colo, exploring its profound impact on...
Eli follows Leyton Orient's tragic relegation from the football league and how the Football Authorit...
A docufilm about the exciting story of the play-off between Cagliari and Piacenza in June 1997, when...
Short Documentary about political conflicts faced by a rooted generation of football players in Nort...
Manuel Andrade, after designing the Pumas logo, was forgotten in the history of the club. Today in t...
Football or Soccer has had an interesting journey in America but one thing is for certain, there wou...
UTV documentary on Belfast's great old soccer team - Belfast Celtic.
Terrific portrait of Bobby and Jackie Charlton, pillars of football history, at the height of their ...
A short documentary about how "Fulton" the Ukrainian Football Club came together.
A passionate manager is torn apart between loyalty to his son, a dodgy football agent, and his homet...
Canadian ex-serviceman Bob Regan returns to Oldchester, the English town where he was posted during ...
'Give Them Wings' is based on the true story of severely disabled football fan Paul Hodgson.
Eric Clapton plays old hits and new ones in this Grammy Award winning special.
This film is about the vast, invisible world of government secrecy. By focusing on classified secret...
A feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extens...
This 2004 documentary by Werner Herzog diaries the struggle of a passionate English inventor to desi...