In 2053, amidst a devastating pandemic, an old gravedigger from Elementar Corporation insists on burying his wife with just a shovel, rejecting the corporation's new burial technology, the "Cube Of Miracles." Conflict arises when a young gravedigger armed with the "Cube of Miracles" challenges the old gravedigger's traditional methods at the cemetery. The film explores the clash between tradition and innovation, delving into broader themes of man versus machine in a society grappling with AI and automation.
A short horror film about three men trapped in a facility that has had a containment breach. They ar...
Far in the future, a woman wakes up in an escape pod on the surface of an empty alien planet dotted ...
What is more miserable than love-blighted life? For the heart that truly loves can never forget. Suc...
Aurora and Bernardo are experiencing moments of happiness, but their joy is interrupted by the onset...
Mireia has just come out of a toxic relationship that prevents her from enduring physical contact wh...
Two girls are competing against each other online for a coveted college scholarship. Will the odds b...
19-year-old Fiadh spends a night in Berlin's nightlife - oscillating between her sugar daddy Marcel ...
A short film about a mother trying to deal with her videogame addicted son.
In this MTV short film parody of The Matrix Reloaded, Justin Timberlake and Seann William Scott must...
In a post-apocalyptic, near future world, a man recruits the help of an old friend to complete a hei...
Anna reunites with her big sister Romane after she spent a year away from home but Anna feels off: s...
In this early stop-motion film by Czech surrealist Jan Svankmajer, a device consisting of a clock, a...
A man plays the Bach piece of the title on the organ, accompanied by images of stone walls with crac...
Radu is having a hard time dealing with his mother’s death.
Sera, a Spiritual Energy Balancer, meets an Elitist Life Force Sucking Vampire over some wine.
Henry Howard discovers a way to stay young forever, but life doesn't seem worth living without his c...
Dolly, a 67-year-old cleaning woman, gets mad at the Coop Supermarket. She thinks they're only prete...