A veteran hitman who has failed his job and returns to his hometown of Okinawa to escape from the organization's pursuit. Decades later, in Okinawa, he meets his nephew, a beautiful young man. He falls in love with the young man, but eventually the organization follows him to Okinawa and starts closing in on them...
Shoroku, who is said to be Naniwa's great detective, and his assistant Wato-kun are a gay couple. He...
Fuko, who lost her parents and lives alone in a single house, will work as a clerk, but a man who me...
Sayuri, who aspires to become a teacher, is forced to kiss a student while working as a private tuto...
A mysterious transgender murder group wearing black dresses appears. It is a brutal method in which ...
Toriko is a sexually frustrated wife who gets involved in swapping games with her neighbors.
A couple arrive by boat to a small fishing village where women dive for seafood. He is returning fro...
A young woman wanders aimlessly around a beach resort and has sex with various men.
A woman gets a Buddhist statue from her dying grandfather. She doesn’t know it but it is one of thre...
Yuji is an university student living with his older brother. When he runs into an old acquaintance o...
As a newspaper reporter listens to the confession of a wife who murdered her husband, the film shock...
Based on the infamous "Concrete-encased high school girl murder case" that took place from November ...
A schoolgirl is desperate to lose her virginity after witnessing a fellow student and her attractive...
One day, Sonoko, a married woman having a husband, meets young, beautiful Mitsuko. Puzzled Sonoko is...
Toshihiro, a photography school dropout, is obsessed with secretly photographing the lovely Seiko. H...
A young woman who escaped from prison is eventually captured and brought back. The evil warden decid...
Three sketches each from a different director: (1) a dancer who is attracted to lesbians; (2) a call...