This documentary follows a team of archaeologists, mandated by the Louvre Museum, as they pick up where Egyptologist Auguste Mariette left-off with his discovery of the Serapeum tomb of the bull of Apis - one of the most sacred places in Saqqara, Egypt, in 1850. Mariette also managed to map out a network of underground tunnels leading to other burial sites that he did not have time to uncover. With exclusive access, we follow a team of archaeologists continue the research of Mariette.
This documentary follows a team of local archaeologists excavating never before explored passageways...
On the mythical site of Saqqara, the Apis bulls were buried for more than a thousand years in the im...
Hindu temples at Benares and Belur and the mythologies associated with them.
It is one of Egypt's enduring mysteries. What happened to Nefertiti and her husband, Akhenaten - the...
For over 4000 years, the Sphinx has puzzled all who have laid eyes on it. What is this crouching lio...
The adventurous life of Natacha Rambova (1897-1966), an American artist, born Winifred Kimball Shaug...
3,200 years ago, Egypt is living the final hours of its golden age under the reign of Ramesses II. A...
Howard Carter hunts for the tomb of the boy king Tutankhamun.
This special takes a 21st century approach to ancient history, bringing together the latest scientif...
For centuries, the Great Pyramids have fascinated Mankind. Patrice Pooyard's The Revelation Of The P...
As part of a high-tech forensic probe into the demise of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, scientists us...
Looking for a forgotten city: off the coast of Egypt, just a few metres under the surface, but blank...