Tres Leches" unfolds the poignant story of a family at the brink of collapse. Daniel, a devoted single father in his 40s, grapples with the weight of caring for his father, Alejandro, who battles Alzheimer's. The narrative unfolds on a pivotal day – his daughter's 18th birthday. Daniel, yearning for perfection, experiences fleeting validation when his father briefly reconnects with his past. However, the cruel nature of Alzheimer's becomes evident as a panic attack ensues, leading to an unfortunate incident. As tensions rise, Daniel and Vanessa embark on a frantic search when Alejandro goes missing. Amid the chaos, Vanessa's heart-to-heart conversation with Daniel becomes a pivotal moment of realization. Ultimately, when they locate Alejandro, Daniel faces the dreaded decision as his father's final memories slip away.
Dado is loving and responsible husband. He also told stories to his loyal customers, Alas and Pabl...
A masked killer encounters his next victim. She’s not what he’s expecting. Bloodlust becomes blood-r...
After the release of his debut film, documentarian Richard Chase journeys down a rabbit hole to unco...
Charlie and Rachel, two high school sweethearts, reconnect at a natural history museum, all while a ...
Based on the story "The monster in my room" by Miguel Angel López, a girl recounts living with her m...
“Never Me” is a student film about Serafina, a 16-year-old girl who endures the tribulations of atte...
The Roommate is a comedy drama film centered around two people live together in an apartment. This s...
A story about a young man who has an argument with his friend so chooses to take a walk to clear his...
Quite possibly the first student film, a whimsical romance shot in 1916 by law students from Washing...
An eight-year-old girl tries to build a relationship with her absent father through a class-assigned...
A nearly finished construction site. The wiring is completed, the walls are painted, the final inspe...
Isaac and Vivi, two adventurous young New Yorkers, go on a surreal first date to a mysterious Brookl...
After their sacred katana is stolen, two swordsmen with a rocky relationship must team up to defeat ...
Speak To Me Of What I Know is a short experimental film shot on a Super8. The idea of lack of commun...
When a shy, disrespected bowling legend helps an outsider learn the game, he must choose whether to ...
Fast-talking Latino con artist Pestario "Pest" Vargas is the target of Scottish mobsters to whom he ...