“The Moon Is Essentially Gray” is a 3-minute CG animated short about a young child, her makeshift rocket, and her fantastic flight to the moon. The film explores the role escapism plays in the lives of children who suffer some form of neglect or abandonment by their caregivers. It is ultimately about the struggle to gain (or regain) personal power, joy, and freedom.
Milly and Louis, and their recently-widowed mom, Charlene, move to a new neighborhood. Once there, t...
A fisherman and a rising lawyer who grew up together as brothers fall in love with the same woman.
Villainous Gru lives up to his reputation as a despicable, deplorable and downright unlikable guy wh...
During the end of the world, two best friends walk around their city, talking about their sex lives,...
Indian and Cowboy are about to set off on a magnificent cruise on a luxury liner, but they have made...
Sabine and Natacha are 22. They live ‘here’, in the sticks, next door to each other. One day, Natach...
A scientist discovers that there's gold on the moon. He builds a rocket to fly there, but there's to...
On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that th...
As the Space Race ensues, seven pilots set off on a path to become the first American astronauts to ...
Richthofen goes off to war like thousands of other men. As fighter pilots, they become cult heroes f...
The near future, a time when both hope and hardships drive humanity to look to the stars and beyond....
Despite their social differences Luise, called Pünktchen, a girl from rich parentage befriends Anton...
Musicians inspired by the Moon. Since the Apollo landings, the Moon has entered popular consciousnes...
Flying at 40,000 feet in a state-of-the art aircraft that she helped design, Kyle Pratt's 6-year-old...
As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite...
In 2029, Korea's lunar probe Woori embarks on a historic journey to the moon, capturing global atten...
After a migrating duck family alights on their pond with thrilling tales of far-flung places, the Ma...
Famed Canadian-American leftist documentary filmmaker Leonard Fife was one of sixty thousand draft e...
Rohan, a young man, returns home to a bustling household in preparation for his birthday party. As t...