Amidst a period of unprecedented world events, an eighteen-year-old girl’s life is placed on hold. I...
Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, b...
In Los Angeles at the turn of the 1970s, drug-fueled detective Larry "Doc" Sportello investigates th...
A cartoonist falls asleep at the drawing board and into the clutches of his own villains, until Bean...
This psychedelic horror short inspired by vintage cinema follows a raped girl's descent into derange...
A nightmare, sketched out upon a living blackboard.
A young boy’s toys come to life through animation.
Based on the idea that drugs have influenced some of our greatest minds (Poe, Baudelaire etc.), this...
In a dimly lit jazz club, a widower cinephile battles his buried desires. That's until he stumbles u...
Jorge and Alberto are two wizards in Buenos Aires. One works as an assistant in a courthouse, while ...
Moose and Dan get out of dodge after accidentally killing a baby.
A train conductor goes about his duty. All the characters are animals in human form. Hippo ladies in...
A couple's relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranq...
Two men, two lives, a fateful encounter: Hagen suffers from irregular phases of sleep in which he ca...
It's late in the evening, and the ballet master's bed has been prepared for him. But he cannot take ...
A fresco mixing the satirical, the surreal and the fantastical to portray the social and political e...
First, Max, in his pyjamas, gets back up and draws an isolated mountain area and puts Koko on top of...
A wanderer, captivated by the beauty of the world, carries a unique and terrifying curse: every illn...
An enigmatic vagrant cons himself into the home life of an arrogant upper-class family, turning thei...