The epic tale of a class struggle in twentieth century Italy, as seen through the eyes of two childh...
Maamar (Sid Ali Kouiret), a young fisherman working in a small port in western Algeria, is forced to...
Following a massive surge of public interest towards the start of the decade, Shaun Pubis (aka DJ Ru...
A wealthy, self-absorbed Rome socialite is racked by guilt over the death of her young son. As a way...
In a settlement in the northern mining country. The Marles, Bréhard and Gohelle families wake up an...
Residents of a rundown boardinghouse in 19th-century Japan, including a mysterious old man and an ag...
Kirsty must survive an afternoon in the city centre until her accomodation can be arranged at a home...
In an insurrectionary climate, four twenty-year-old friends talk about politics. As a big protest lo...
Young African-Brazilian Miguel drives across the country in search of a long-lost relative to find o...
Shirish and Geeta run a rickshaw driver over and have dramatically opposing reactions to the tragedy...
In this remake the Bertolucci's 1900, Olmo Dalco and Alfredo Berlingheiri's complicated friendship a...